Tuesday, September 22, 2009


It has been a while since my last update, not that I have not been practising my yoga nor private classes has been cancelled. It's just that during the private classes with Matthew, I seldom get the chance to snap pictures as I am in deep concentration whilst holding the poses. He tends to make us hold the poses for at least 10-20 seconds (let me re-iterate, at least 10-20 seconds!). So you could imagine, I am certainly not in the position to reach out for the camera least alone trying to hold strong in my poses, with the sweat dripping down my face. A word of advise, do not apply moisturiser before class, as the cream is rather smarting when the sweat drips down your nose or the eyes, and you can't reach out for your face towel as you wouldn't want to interrupt the rhythm.

Yes, I said rhythm as I sometimes feel like I am dancing above ground. Try closing your eyes when you practise your yoga next. You may be able to feel rhythm of your breath, your muscles and you will certainly feel your movements deepens. e.g. when doing a twist, inhale and lengthen your spine, exhale and twist with your eyes closed, you will notice that you are able to twist further. This applies even when doing any other poses. When the sub conscious mind is in tune, we are not consciously prohibiting our body from stretching or going beyond our boundaries.

Having said that, I am working on my fear of being upside-down. Been working with Matthew on headstand, still have not really gotten the rhythm of it & decided to try it on my own without feeling fearful of falling over. However, I got a little over confident & tumbled to the side of the wall (how did I tumble sideways???), I tried controlling the fall so that I fall graciously and slowly but my knee hit the wall and left a bruise for a week. Thank goodness nobody was near me, LOL.

Please note the position of the arms whilst doing this headstand. According to her, it seems its easier than it looks (but not for me, I was just a spectator with the camera).

Bravo! she has a good alignment & I was just wishing I could do it too :(

This is another alternative with the arms, unlike the usual.

But please practise with care, unless you are ready & strong, then please have a friend or teacher by your side so that you don't get bruises like me.


Anonymous said...

Wow *biggest grin*!! Thanks for the pics ... and the refreshments! Always a joy to be @ your place practising =D Enjoy ur BEP tis week!


yogababy said...

Hey Renee,

It has been great having you at my place all these months, & resulting in a good friendship.

Now I got to make sure I have stock of lemons in my fridge, though the honey is running low. Supplier has not called us recently replenish our stock. You all might just have to settle with just lemon juice in the future.

See you mon @6.30pm