Monday, April 6, 2009


I have been tooooo lazy to update the blog with pictures & also missed out on updating last week's schedules. Its just that sometimes when you are in the pose, you just don't reach out for the camera & start snapping pictures. Its only possible to take pictures when you can't do the pose & just watching your neighbour do it or a pose that requires teacher's personal attention, where he goes to individual to guide you to the pose or when the teachers' are demonstrating some ultra impossible posses. Sometimes, when the teachers ask us to do certain poses, we ask them, is it even humanly anatomically possible???? Then, of course they would have to show us, that's when I would quickly reach out for the camera. YES, its possible! Isn't our body wonderful? Learn to love your body & appreciate its functions, flexibility, strength & take care of it like you would love with all your love. Stay healthy with exercise, whether it is the gym or yoga or any other form of exercise, eat right, sleep well & love well and spread your love & radiance to everyone around you and make the world a better place.

Classes for this week :-

1) Tuesday (07/04/09)

Class : Pilates

Instructor : Felix

Time : 3.00pm-4.15pm

2) Friday (10/04/09)

Class : Flow

Instructor : Keane

Time : 4.30pm-6.00pm

3) Sunday (12/04/09)

Class : Yin

Instructor : Felix

Time : 10.00am- 11.00am

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