Sunday, April 26, 2009

Is yoga measured by the years??

Recently, my yoga teacher asked me "the question" that I find it embarrassing to answer, "so how many years have you been doing yoga"? ehmmmmm, how many years??, ermmm, I was shy to say that I have been practising yoga for about 4 years now. Why embarrassed, you may ask. Its because I still can't do the head stand??? Therefore, I asked myself, is yoga practise measured by the number of years or is it the essence of practising yoga is more important?

Though I can't do the head stand or many other asanas, which I think only "super human" can do, I somehow feel contented with what I can do, as I think that we should respect our body & not push it to the limit or beyond its capabilities- listen to your body. I learnt do understand the goodness of doing the asanas by breathing right, enjoying the breathe, enjoying the asanas by understanding the purpose doing it, e.g. whether its to strengthen the arms, the legs, the core or just to increase your flexibility. I stopped competing with myself!! Just go with the Flow. But of course, someday I hope I am able to do the head stand.

There is only 1 class scheduled for this week as Friday is Labour Day, I guess the teacher would also require a rest day.

1) Monday, 27/04/09

Class : Hatha 2

Teacher : Lily Yap

Time :4.30pm - 5.45pm

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