Monday, December 29, 2008
Farewell 2008
I would also like to thank the teachers for sharing their love of yoga with all of us. It was breath-taking to be able to learn from Dr.Ameen, Keane, Felix, Azmi, Lila & also Indra. The classes were enjoyable, a good-workout, a good stretch of twisting & turning, and most of all I've improved over the months of private classes.
As most of you are aware, YinYangYoga came about after the crisis with YZone, where teachers didn't have a place to teach & practitioners didn't have a place to learn, and so, the birth of YinYangYoga.
Saying all that, some teachers has moved on to their permanent job, part-time job & practitioners has joined other studios, etc. But, there are still some that has been consistently practicing yoga at Bukit Ceylon.
Sunday (28/12) was the last class with Azmi. His own studio will be opening very soon & therefore he will not be teaching here at Bukit Ceylon.
However, Keane & Felix will still be teaching here from 2009 onwards with smaller classes.
Wishing all of you a better year for 2009, continue with your practice wherever you are & it was great knowing all of you.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Yoga with Azmi Samdjaga for Dec 08
I'll be out of yoga for sometime as I sprained my wrist, but thats not going to stop me from getting a good-workout. I will be going to the gym instead for some cardio sweat-out, something that I don't need the wrist for. But I don't really enjoy being on the thread-mill or bicycle, etc as its so know what's coming for the next 60mins.... so predictable, ha!
However, classes as usual every Tues, Saturdays & Sundays with Azmi till end of December 08 (unless otherwise, will be duly notified).
1) Tuesday
Class : Gentle Flow (Beginner/Intermediate)
Time : 7.00-8.15pm
2) Saturday
Class : Hatha Vinyasa (Beginner/Intermediate)
Time : 10.00-11.15am
3) Sunday
Class : Flow Vinyasa (Intermediate/Advance)
Time : 10.00-11.30am
Venue : Level 5, Menara Bukit Ceylon
By the poolside Please bring your own mat/towel/water. Kindly rsvp a day before scheduled class should you be interested in attending class as its on first come first serve basis limited to 10 pax. You could either text me if you have my mobile no. or e-mail me :D See you then.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
New Discovery with Indrawati
Try it & let me know how you feel.
Indra told me to trust her & this is my first attempt
My second attempt, but I noticed that my back isn't that straight, something to work-on.
According to the practitioner, it's called the Crab (or perhaps the Crap?) in UK. She also managed to tripod headstand & we were both really thrilled.
John Scott is a world-renowned practitioner of Ashtanga Yoga and presents both National and International Workshops. John has produced a best-selling book, "Ashtanga Yoga", and a DVD. He was certified to teach by Shri K Pattabhi Jois in 1994, having studied with him in Mysore, India, since 1989. John & Lucy's teaching is very precise and follows traditional teaching methods "Self Practice" and "Vinyasa Counting".
For more information about John, please visit his webpage at
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Classes for the week of 8/12/08
Please be informed that the following classes will be held on the week of 08/12/08.
1) Tuesday (9/12)
Class : Gentle Flow (Beginner/Intermediate)
Time : 7.00-8.15pm
Instructor : Azmi
2) Thursday (11/12)
Class : Flow Vinyasa (Beginner/Intermediate)
Time : 7.00-8.15pm
Instructor :Indrawati Widjanarko
(for more information on Indra, please visit her studio's webpage at
3) Saturday (13/12)
Class : Flow (Beginner/Intermediate)
Time : 10.30am-12.00 noon
Instructor : Azmi
Venue : Level 5, Menara Bukit Ceylon
By the poolside
Please bring your own mat/towel/water. Kindly rsvp a day before scheduled class should you be interested in attending class as its on first come first serve basis limited to 10 pax. You could either text me if you have my mobile no. or e-mail me :D See you then.
Plank with Ease with Azmi
Contrary to many advices that you shouldn't yoga during "that time of the month", I decided against it. I had to yoga cause there are new practitioners & since I am the hostess, I had to be around. My Irish friend, also a practitioner told me before the class that some exercise during "that time of the month" is good as long as you know what not to do. I thought I would be really tired during/after class, but heck, NO! I feel really refreshed & not sluggish & it really made me feel good all over coz I think I burnt those extra calories, ha ha. A friend once told me that during "that time of the month" you actually burn more calories & I would actually take the chance to eat more chocolates & ice-cream during that week. Well, I wonder how true is that.
Here are some of the poses not to do during "that time of the month" (applies only to ladies).
Saturday's class
Monday, December 1, 2008
Classes for the week of 1/12/08
Please be informed that the following classes will be held on the week of 01/12/08.
1) Tuesday (2/12)
Class : Gentle Flow (Beginner/Intermediate)
Time : 6.30-7.30pm
Instructor : Felix
2) Saturday (6/12)
Class : Hatha Vinyasa (Beginner/Intermediate)
Time : 10.00-11.15am
Instructor : Azmi
3) Sunday (7/12)
Class : Flow Vinyasa (Intermediate/Advance)
Time : 10.00-11.30am
Instructor : Azmi
Venue : Level 5, Menara Bukit Ceylon
By the poolside
Please bring your own mat/towel/water. Kindly rsvp a day before scheduled class should you be interested in attending class as its on first come first serve basis limited to 10 pax. You could either text me if you have my mobile no. or e-mail me :D See you then.