Anyway, thank goodness for the covered area, which we have been yoga-ing for past week. We still get the strong breeze & the thunder was super loud yesterday evening.
Keane's class was good, as usual, & it was a 90-min class. Somehow, none of us were too tired and was still strong as the poses were done in a slow manner where we could flow into the poses and enjoy the poses and feel the breath, the alignment.
Preparing for Tripod.
She managed to lift her legs up, however, her crown is not aligned with her neck, which puts a lot of pressure on the neck. Take note that the crown of your head need to be aligned with your neck, to avoid injury.
This is the correct alignment. Crown, neck & spine aligned. When its aligned, it takes off the weight from your arms and neck. She actually stayed at this position for quite some time.
dear yinyangyoga,
i'm your blog reader, great to see you have putting photo in your blog. Honestly your blog was a bit bored previously! You should put more photo especially during the yoga practise. Good jobs!
Thanks for your comment. Sometimes its difficult to take pics esp when i am also yoga-ing, I have to break out of pose to snap pics, but since now I know I've ppl following the blog (happy & surprised), I will try my very best to always update with pics for everyone's reading pleasure.
Thanks again & I hope you can come and yoga with us someday.
i wish too, but it is to far for me! :(
anonymous, treat yoga like a food, food for our soul. distance is not a problem. hope you will practice yoga soon, no matter where.
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