Sunday, June 28, 2009
Though the TRAVEL mats may seems too thin for some practitioners, my thoughts are that it is super-light weight and easy to carry around and if you find it too thin, you could always stack the Jade mat on top of the already provided yoga studio's mat. For those of you that may travel frequently due to work or even pleasure, you may find it convenient as it is light weight to bring it along during your trip (you could actually fold it instead of rolling and it doesn't take up much space in the suitcase or it fits nicely in a hand-luggage too). Can you imagine not doing yoga for days?
The FUSION mats would work out great for practitioners that practice as home (like myself) as its thicker therefore heavier to carry around but its a super cushioning for your back for those that does pilate or enjoy the extra thickness.
Here are some FAQs about JADE yoga mats for your reading pleasure :-
Classes for the week of 29th June 2009 :-
1) Tuesday (30/06/09)
Class : Yoga Core
Teacher : Felix
Time : 3.00pm- 4.15pm
2) Friday (03/07/09)
Class : Gentle Flow
Teacher : Matthew
Time : 6.30-7.45pm
Thursday, June 25, 2009
The Phenomenal JADE Yoga Mats

In my previous posting, I did mention that I had a chance to place my palms on a JadeYoga Mat that my girlfriend has been raving about & now, I know why. The feel of the mat is quite unlike those I have felt before, e.g. Crescent, Manduka, Como Shambala (my current mat, its anti-slip, but it has jute, which can be quite rough on the elbows), Nike, & can I compare to Traxx?? which is such a popular mat amongst the practitioners (I hope its due to the reason that its about the only choice they can get in the market in Malaysia, Nike or Traxx). Btw, I did own a Nike & a Traxx, simply out of NO Choice!!.
I am not exaggerating when I say this "its was a similar satisfaction I get eating a Godiva's Dark Chocolate Cake", heavenly. (btw, chocolate cake lovers, please visit Godiva's cafe on 2nd Floor, Pavillion, opposite Celine).
It seems all these eco-friendly mats, anti-slip, bio-degradable are only available from shops in Singapore or you could courier in 1 mat directly from USA or UK, which probably cost USD100-USD120, may not even include the courier charges.
Therefore, I am shipping in JADEYOGA mats JADE HARMONY PROFESSIONAL 3/16" series directly from USA, yes by courier. The awesome thing is that for every mat you purchase, they plant a TREE!!!. How eco-friendly. If anyone is interested to get your hands on this phenomenal mat and make your practice better (as the mat is rubber/latex, hence the shock absorption is better when jumping & it holds you like glue). Read more about the mats at
Place your order with me via my blog or my e-mail at & please select your colour of choice (I am taking the purple). I hope to get more orders, then the supplier can give me a better price which I would of course share the benefits with all you practitioners.
Keep the orders coming.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Video on Deep Yoga Nauli Kirya
This is a fantastic step by step and detailed audio visual guide from teacher Deepak. Viewer's discretion is advised.
I hope that all of you will find this video useful. He also advised us to practice Prayanama to strengthen your immunity system during the outbreak of H1N1. Specially those pranayama that has effect on your manipur chakra, a chakra just below the navel,because,manipur chakra or navel chakra is related to your immune system and it will boost your immunity system and practice especially agnisara,kapalabhati,ujjayi and stomach lock.
Enjoy the video & I will be posting more videos of teacher Deepak's sharing with us his profound knowledge of Yoga.
If you find the audio visual guide helpful & would like to see more, please leave your comments/enquiries if any.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Please watch this video-18TG
Last Friday's class with Matthew was invigorating. He said "lets just do Sarvasana for 1 hr!!!, or we could do a Flow class, just simply flow to the left and then flow to the right" we all broke out laughing. However, we did Gentle Flow, it was gently slow but the effect of it is more powerful than of an Ashtangha. I get a chance to breathe in and out of the asanas, feel the tremendous stretch of the hamstring, the side stretch of my body, the shoulder blades had a good workout too with Anusara (btw, i still feel the effect of the stretch today, a mild ache).
I love the fact that he reminds us not to reach out to touch/grab your toes and compromise your alignment (you know what I mean right?) while doing Revolved Head to Knee Pose/Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana But we did it quite differently, we had the opposite hand holding on to the bending knee, so its tougher to actually have your hand touching the toes, & there is where the stretchhhhhh is. I usually could grab my toes, but with the other hand on the knee, hmmmm, I need more practice :).
I filmed Renee doing a cart-wheel, very impressive. But somehow the file is not compatible when I blue-toothed to my laptop. But anyway, please watch the video below, be patient & watch for at least 30 secs, that's when your jaw will drop. As the heading recommends-18TG. (do not do this at home without Teacher's Guidance"
Classes for the week :-
1) Monday 22/06/09
Class : Flow
Teacher : Lily
Time : 4.45pm -6.00pm
2) Tuesday 23/06/09
Class : Yoga Core
Teacher : Felix
Time : 3.00pm - 4.15pm
3) Friday 26/06/09
Class : Gentle Flow
Teacher : Keane
Time : 4.45pm-6.15pm
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
New Arrival - Skidless Yogitoes

Saturday, June 13, 2009
Classes for the week of 15th June 2009
1) Monday - (15/06/09)
Time : 4.45pm-6.15pm
Class : Flow
Teacher : Lily
2) Friday - (19/06/09)
Time : 6.30pm-7.30pm
Class : Anusara Yoga
Teacher : Matthew
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
I must say its not easy if its your first time, I remembered the time when Felix was teaching us, we had to keep rolling the shoulders up, then back to squeeze the shoulders blades tightly together, & at the same time tucking in the core as tight as possible. He would come around every student and poke us at the core and tell us that its not tight enough, sometimes I think this must be what labour pain is all about and at times, I felt as if my heart is gonna stop as it was pumping so hard and fast.
While at plank, downward dog, chaturangha, upward dog, cobra, etc we had to remember to roll the shoulders up and back and squeeze and keep the mid lower back slightly rounded (due to core tucked in). It was like the chinese says it "loh meang". And the after effects the following day??? Shoulder ache, shoulder blade ache too, core ache, buttock ache, LOL. But then I would say I love this Anusara yoga, why??? because it not only makes my shoulders stronger and more defined, the best part is that it is really uplifting for the breast (very important!!), now, I walk confidently.
If I am not mistaken, some teachers at Energy Yoga is adopting this Anusara yoga. Do enquire at the reception which teacher is teaching Anusara.
Some write up I copied from the web :-
Anusara-founded in 1997 by American yogi John Friend, Anusara (which means "flowing with grace") is becoming increasingly popular.
Anusara Yoga is a modern school of Yoga grounded in a Tantric philosophy of intrinsic goodness [1], that was started by John Friend in 1997. Friend continues to take an active role leading the expansion of the school and training (and certifying) teachers.
The emphasis of the school is on a set of "Universal Principles of Alignment" which underlie all postures, "heart opening" postures and the spiritual/meditative benefits of hatha yoga.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Classes for the week of 8th June 2009
1) Monday, 09/06
Class : Yin (definitely need a Yin after Friday's anusara, will write something about it after my weekend break)
Teacher : Lily
Time : 4.45pm - 6.00pm
2) Friday, 12/06/09
Class : Vinyasa Flow
Teacher : Keane
Time : 4.45pm - 6.15pm
Cheers and see you in class :)
Monday, June 1, 2009
Yogitoes skidless towel mat for sale

A friend of mine got this in recently, if you are interested to purchase them, pls drop me a note. Only 2 left in WOOD colour, from the chinese element collection. Please visit official website for more details