Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Phenomenal JADE Yoga Mats

In my previous posting, I did mention that I had a chance to place my palms on a JadeYoga Mat that my girlfriend has been raving about & now, I know why. The feel of the mat is quite unlike those I have felt before, e.g. Crescent, Manduka, Como Shambala (my current mat, its anti-slip, but it has jute, which can be quite rough on the elbows), Nike, & can I compare to Traxx?? which is such a popular mat amongst the practitioners (I hope its due to the reason that its about the only choice they can get in the market in Malaysia, Nike or Traxx). Btw, I did own a Nike & a Traxx, simply out of NO Choice!!.

I am not exaggerating when I say this "its was a similar satisfaction I get eating a Godiva's Dark Chocolate Cake", heavenly. (btw, chocolate cake lovers, please visit Godiva's cafe on 2nd Floor, Pavillion, opposite Celine).

It seems all these eco-friendly mats, anti-slip, bio-degradable are only available from shops in Singapore or you could courier in 1 mat directly from USA or UK, which probably cost USD100-USD120, may not even include the courier charges.

Therefore, I am shipping in JADEYOGA mats JADE HARMONY PROFESSIONAL 3/16" series directly from USA, yes by courier. The awesome thing is that for every mat you purchase, they plant a TREE!!!. How eco-friendly. If anyone is interested to get your hands on this phenomenal mat and make your practice better (as the mat is rubber/latex, hence the shock absorption is better when jumping & it holds you like glue). Read more about the mats at

Place your order with me via my blog or my e-mail at & please select your colour of choice (I am taking the purple). I hope to get more orders, then the supplier can give me a better price which I would of course share the benefits with all you practitioners.

Keep the orders coming.



Anonymous said...

Whooopeeee!! Finally! It was only about a mth ago that I heard about this mat but I feel like I've known it all my life! Was so desperate to get it till I was calling & asking friends & family if anyone was going overseas so I could ask them to get me one!

Even my instructor was willing to offer me his new one! Part of me wanted to grab the offer but I knew he had been waiting for his Jade mat for a year so I couldn't make myself take it! =D

I tried out his mat & it was heaven! Such a good grip. Like u said, quite unlike the other ones in the market. So glad someone is actually bringing in good mats rather than travelling all the way to Singapore just to get a mat!

Oh, hee hee, after all that excitement & raving I almost forgot ... one Jade mat for me please (u know my color). Hope to get it by July coz if I go for a workshop end July I wanna use it!


Cathy said...

Helo.. do tell me how much would that be please

yogababy said...

Hello Renee

Thanks for your feedback, comments & order.

I am equally thrilled as you. I do hope that I can fly it it by July. Please pass the word around.

Btw, which/wat workshop are you attending?

yogababy said...

Dear Cathy,

Thank you for your enquiry. How can I contact you? or perhaps you could write to me at

I hope to hear from you soon.

lynn said...

Hi Ivy

actually i'm not too sure, i like the sedonia red, purple, midnight blue equally

what do u think..

yogababy said...

hi Lynn,

all these colours you pondering over are lovely, however, i do intend to bring in only 1 colour each. Purple & sedonia red has a owner already. Unless you want either of these 2 colours, i would then bring in 2 nos of the similar colour.

Thanks for your order & saving the planet! As a tree will be planted :)

Lyn said...

pink then for me! thanks!

yogababy said...

Hi Lyn,

Pink (Orchid) is such a good choice, the colour is sweet.

Thanks again for your confirmation :).

sujit said...

can i get yoga mats of big size reply me to